
Emergency PC Repairs /Online

"Helping with all your Computer & Networking needs for Home or Business!"


Laptops are our number one fix.

New & Used Desktops, Laptops, Servers.

Virus Spyware & Trojan Removal.

Software installs & support.

Improve your computer speed.

Home networking. Wired or Wireless setup.

Internet & Email Issues.

Call today for a free estimate.

Crashed computer. Blue screen / won't turn on.

Hardware repairs & upgrades.

Software installations. Operating systems, adobe pdf reader, flash player, java, list goes on and on.

Advanced data recoveries, backups, migrate data.

All Laptop hardware, repairs, screens and upgrades.

Website and Webpage building. As you see here.

I will build you a gaming computer or laptop.

Business consulting for networking, repairs, remote cleanup, software installs, backups (cloud or local for all your needs.

Linux OS installs / dual boot.

Server hardware, repairs, upgrades.

Remote computer, laptop, server updates.

Server and Active Directory Consulting

Backup services, printer installations, print servers, for home or business.

VMware & Hyper V Support

Oracle Virtual Box Application & Service.

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